MaterialContent-Federal and State Credits, September 2020

Federal and State Credits:

Benefit Summary: This chart on the RCM dashboard shows the federal credit amount, and each state’s credit if the project is filing in states. You can hover over each color on the graph to see the amount of credit.

Clicking on the graph’s title “Benefit Summary” will take the user to the Benefit Summary List. This will show more specific detail (seen left).  This list shows the federal QREs and Credit that the RCM Tool calculates, as well as any states that might be captured from the data. The “Form Detail” Column has a link that sends the user to a screen that shows how the credit is calculated based on the Tax Forms for that specific state.

You can see the New Jersey form detail example below.

At the top of the page you can click on the Print Icon to pull up a printable page that has been created to look like the State Tax Credit Form. You can see the New Jersey Print Form example below.